Selasa, 05 Juni 2012


Suluk means the spiritual journey of a slave in order to get closer, begging forgiveness, and got the blessings of Allah SWT berkehenda. through the stages of purification of the soul (tazkaiatun - nafsi) [7] who practiced in the spiritual exercises (riadlatur-spiritual) [8] in istiqamah and mudawamah. [9]A person who is carrying out suluk called salik. Beriktikaf suluk people in the mosque or mosque, as exemplified by the Prophet Muhammad or salafus Salih. Suluk period was carried out 10 days, 20 days or 40 days. People who carry out the mandatory suluk under the leadership of a man who has ma'rifat, in this case is Sheikh Murshid.Everyone believes that mysticism, that he will be clean and repentance will be accepted by Allah, so he became taqarrub, close to Him. Shaykh Amin al-Kurdi said, no way someone came up to her makrifatullah and clean and shiny, so it can musyahadah to the lover, the beloved is God, except through mysticism or seclusion. This is the way someone salik who devote themselves to God alone, can be up to the intended (Amin Al Kurdi 1994: 430). [10]A. Terms SulukShaykh Amin al-Kurdi in his book "Tanwirul Qulub" says there are 20 terms of mysticism:1). Sincere intention, not riya and sum'ah and unseen.2). Please permission and supplications of the sheikh mursyidnya, and a mysticism salik not enter the house before any permission from the sheikh for him in the supervision and education.3). 'Uzlah (exile), get used to watch the night, hungry and remembrance before mysticism.4). Stepping with right foot into the house at the time of mysticism. Please enter a time salik refuge with Allah from Satan and the temptation to read basmalah, after which he read An Nas three times, then step left foot to pray,Meaning: O God, who became the protector of the world and the hereafter, make me as You have made our prince Muhammad and grant me the gift, good luck love you. Give me the gift, good luck to love thy lover. O Allah, I sibukkanlah with thy beauty Make me thy servant sincere. O God, blot out pull myself with thy substance, O the All-hearted warm-hearted people that do not exist for him. Oh God, do not let me live alone, while thou art the best of those who inherit.After that he entered the mosque and say,Meaning: I am face to face who created the heavens and the earth in a state of nature upright / straight and I'm not including the idolaters.The sentence was read 21 times. After that circumcision praying two rak'ahs. After reading Al Fatiha in the first cycles, read paragraph chairs (Al-Baqarah 2: 255) and in the second rakat after reading Al Fatiha, read Amanar Apostle (AlBaqarah 2: 285). And after reading Ya salam Fatah () 500 times.Meaning: Someone has to ask God to reveal His makrifat.5). Berkekalan wudlu or always berwudlu.6). Do not daydream to obtain the sacred.7). Do not lean back against the wall.8). Musyid always present.9). Fasting.10). Silent, not to speak unless remembrance or forced to say something that has to do with the problem of the Shari'a. A word that does not need to be a waste of seclusion and would eliminate the light hearted.11). Remain vigilant against the enemies of the four, the devil, the world, carnal desires and lust.12). Let the disturbance away from the sounds of racket.13). Keep the Friday prayers and congregational prayers surely is the ultimate goal of seclusion following the Prophet.14). If forced out the head must be covered up by the neck with a view to the ground.15). Do not sleep, but was very sleepy and should berwudlu. Not because the body was about to break, even if able, do not put the ribs on the ground / lay down and sleep in a state seat.16). Keep the middle between hunger and satiety.17). Do not open the door to people who ask for her blessing, if you ask for thanks only to the Sheikh-Sheikh Murshid.18). All favors should be considered earned from the Sheikh-Sheikh Murshid, Sheikh-Sheikh Murshid while to get it from the Prophet Muhammad.19). Negate the vibration and trajectory in the liver, both bad and good, because the trajectories that would break the concentration of Munajat to God as a result of remembrance.20). Remembrance always with kaifiat set by the sheikh Sheikh Murshid him, until he came to he permitted or declared finished and may come out (Amin Al Kurdi 1994: 430-431).Implementation of the leadership of Prof. mysticism. Dr. H. Sheikh Yahya Saidi Kadirun well qualified mysticism, the mysticism adab adalagi provisions which in principle the same as the requirement that 20 suluk earlier. There are 21 basic adab suluk the core set of provisions that mysticism is to get maximum results in suluknya. There is another 9 (nine) out of courtesy after mysticism, which must be observed and guided to the ubudiyah mysticism that can be sustained and even further enhanced. [11]2. Various Kinds SulukAs for some kind of mysticism which was created by a congregation in order to fix an error keaslahan-salik, namely:The path of worship: the road taken by a Shari'ah salik to improve the lives of Muslims who are everyday aiming to execute deeds to be more perfect.Riadhah road: the road taken a salik to improve the moral, to do all the shortcomings of his behavior that is by withholding orgasm, exercise themselves by penance, to eat and drink, sleep, reducing to speak / pitting.Thariqul khidmah WA bazlul face: an education provided by a murshid to his disciples or salik to do reverence and benevolence to man. By hiding the grandeur, the splendor of parentage or position. Resulting in an intimate relationship between a salik with the community in the association.Thariqul mujahidat WA bowing bil ahwal: An instruction given to the salik murshid to train them so as not to be cowardly in battle, but be brave heroes to defend the sovereignty of the homeland, destroy tyranny. Human beings to be feared only Allah SWT and ulil amrinya.3. The purpose SulukAs for some purpose of studying mysticism for a salik, namely:Strengthen the belief in godEliminate all the bad qualities in a personInculcate good qualities, so that it becomes the perfect manimprove moralitycultivate admirable traits or mahmudah

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